Kids Grow! Their Clothes Can, Too!
Posted by Kelsey Kitt on
Have kids, they said. It’ll be fun, they said. But did they tell you how much it was going to cost you to keep those adorable, tiny humans clothed?! I’ll bet they didn’t, and if they did, I’ll bet they didn’t account for the fact that those kids, regardless of the fact that they might not actually eat a single meal you put in front of them, will grow faster than a dandelion the day after you finally cut the lawn.
So, the options are there. You can shop those bargain bins, Black Friday sales, and clearance racks every time a growth spurt attacks, or, you can invest in some Grow-With-Me clothing, and watch their clothes grow just as easily as they do.
I see your face. You’re thinking, “Grow-With-Me Clothes? Clothes don’t grow!” And, good friends, this is about to blow your money-conscious minds!
Grow-With-Me Clothing is just that - clothing that grows with your child. The cuffs and waistbands start folded up, sized perfectly to fit your tiny little one, and as they grow, those bands can be unfolded, bit-by-bit, to extend the wear of those clothes for years!
There’s another reason to love Grow-With-Me Clothing - no awkwardly oversized wardrobe. You know you do it - buy clothes a size or two too big so they can “grow into it.” Guilty as charged. Those kids have most definitely walked around in shirts that hang down too low, pants that are rolled up three times over, and hoodies that have the wrists folded all the way up to the elbows. Because if you’re spending money on clothes, you can bet they’re going to get more than one season of growth out of them, right? So, why not just buy clothes that will fit them for more than one season? The logic is there, and the fashionable fit is, too.
The investment might look intimidating, in the beginning. Grow-With-Me Clothing is often priced higher, due to the high quality, made-to-last, handmade nature of the items. But do the math - you could buy that article of clothing every season for three years, so it’s always going to fit, or you could buy it one time, and let it grow with your little one through those years, instead.
Grow-With-Me Clothing. Helping you save money on their wardrobe, so you’ve got more money for their snacks.
Kelsey Kitt is a work-at-home-mom of three in northern Alberta. When she’s not chasing kids around, she is also a freelance copywriter, wine lover, and Parental Guidance content creator. You can follow her and all her family’s adventures on Instagram at @mommydoesntlie.