New Chapter

Posted by Pascale Payette on

New Chapter


Have you ever found yourself at crossroads? Where you’re feeling stuck? When you take time to reflect inside and truly pinpoint what’s sparking joy inside of you? What’s your real definition of happiness and fulfillment?

As women, mothers, caregivers, entrepreneurs, I find that we often lose ourselves in the spiral of daily tasks. We talk about self-care, but do we really apply it in our day to day lives? Do we take sometimes to really look within and sort our feelings out? Why am I feeling so stressed, overwhelmed, tired? Am I doing things that I love to do on a daily basis? Am I listening to my inner compass or I’m going with the flow of life the way it is and struggling through it? I’ve been hearing so many stories of amazing ladies out there that got to the same point of being overwhelmed, feeling like there’s only one road to take every day and that road is weighing on their shoulders. I felt the same way about my life and I felt helpless. How can I help others if I don’t even have the answers myself?

I didn’t have the answers but I knew that I wanted 2020 to be better. Easier. I found myself at crossroads. I was feeling stuck. Defeated. I felt like life forced me to look within for answers. What do I really enjoy doing? My memories took me back to where it all started. And just like that, I was feeling that creative energy flowing through me again. You know that feeling when you do a task and it doesn’t feel like a chore? That feeling when you look at the clock and you can’t believe how much time has gone by since you started tackling that task? How much you’ve enjoyed doing it? That feeling of bliss?

I was slowly losing my passion for my craft. I didn’t have time to do it anymore. To truly do the things that light me up. The brand started from a Mama that just wanted to share her creations, that was doing every piece from her heart, that was making them from A to Z, tapping into her creativity in each and every step of the process. Now I was finding myself being stressed, overwhelmed and tired from what felt to me like a burden, managing a business. I wasn’t getting my hands dirty anymore. I was telling others to do what I love to do. Wearing all of those hats had left me feeling empty. 

I had a choice to make as an entrepreneur, take the third leap to grow again and focus on production or slow down and go back to the roots. See, growing comes with more stress, more financial and day-to-day burdens, but I was thinking maybe I could afford more help? Maybe I’ll be able to delegate more of the to do’s and finally have some time to be creative again. Well, maybe! But did I want to gamble on me? Gamble my love and my passion away. Give away myself, even more, commit to another journey that didn’t feel right. It just didn’t feel right. You know that gut feeling. But then, one morning I thought, what if I could do it the way I used to love doing it? That’s where the spiral of thoughts started: Oh but I can’t do that, I have to grow, that’s how businesses are supposed to thrive, I have to put more money in, hire more staff, produce more, manage more. Keywords: give more, more, more. Do I have more to give? I’m barely hanging on right now? Can I be selfish and think about me? My needs? What do I need to be happy? And I made a list. A list that reflected my own definition of happiness. A slower creative lifestyle, a lifestyle that reflects my family values. A life that I could enjoy with my girls. A life that would have more time for my girls. That list quickly made me decide to go back to sewing from my home. At my own pace. Go back to the roots, tap into my creativity to keep making unique pieces for my amazing customers. Pieces that will come from my heart. Pieces that will reflect my creativity and my passion. Pieces that will be made by me for you.

Do we always have to wait until life forces us? Wait for that crossroad? Or can we make it a daily part of our lives? You’re allowed to say no. Say no to that extra task. That extra whatever thing that doesn’t make your heart happy. It will only empower you, and by empowering yourself you’re being of service to others. It might shock people around you, but it will only leave them wishing they had your courage and hopefully tune in to their inner compass and make desired changes around them.

And that’s why Wildwood & Co. will be closing and Mama Bear Stitches will start a new chapter. Not on a sad note, just a woman who found the power within her to make a change that makes her happy. A woman that truly wishes for others to find their own happiness and joy. And who knows where this new journey will take me!

I wish you the courage to shine your light and inspire others!



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